About Me
If I'm not blabbering on about what pizza I made last night, about how much I like my car or about some song from the 80s I've only recently discovered, I am probably busy programming something I want to be the Next Big Thing™.
I was no stranger to computers at a young age. While we didn't have a family computer for quite some time, I jumped on a computer at any chance I could - these machines were fascinating.
I was around 10 years old when I was introduced to programming with my IT teacher showing me HTML and CSS. This opened my eyes to the wide world of programming and over the years, I taught myself a few programming languages like PHP and C# prior to any formal education in either.
I didn't take a typical path through the education system, leaving highschool after Year 10 thanks to an unique opportunity to start a Bachelor of Information Technology 2 years earlier than what normally is possible. To spice up my life, I also decided to start a small business called Turner Software where I was able to do some freelancing website development work.
I finished up my degree at the end of 2011 and landed a job at a local website development agency, Plastyk Studios. I progressed through the ranks, learning a bunch of things on the way.
After 7 years there, it was time for me to leave the proverbial nest and dive 100% into my dream of running a software development company. Time will tell if I am successful...
I don't think there is an easier way to put this than: Open source is my jam!
This list below are some of the open source projects I am currently working on.
While not as important to me as my open source work, I do like writing blog posts about a variety of different topics. From Levenshtein Distance to the pitfalls of designing your own Timezone Library, I try to share a little bit of knowledge or information that might help someone. Here are some of the recent posts I have done: